"Busty Housewives 8," the newest installment of Elegant Angel's recently revived buxom-homemaker-themed series, streets September 23, with all pre-orders shipping immediately. (...)
Source: xbiz.com | 2019-09-16Read all
U.S. District Court in Arizona Judge Susan Brnovich rejected today a Motion to Dismiss filed by the defense for the former owners of adult classifieds website Backpage.com, which was shuttered and seize by federal authorities who accuse the company of “participation in a conspiracy to facilitate and promote prostitution,” and also of money laundering, human trafficking and other charges....
Paying for your porn is the right thing to do, everyone knows that. It stimulates the economy while providing stimulation for you! When you pay for it, you allow the studios to keep pushing themselves ever harder to produce more titles that keep getting better and better, which is a good thing. Our sponsors produce some of the best films out there, which is why you can always rely o...
East Coast News (ECN) has released its 2019 Holiday Catalog, chock full of "the most popular new releases and seasonal items from the industry’s top manufacturers."...
Svakom is celebrating another successful Venus convention, held October 17-20 in Berlin. For its 23rd edition, the event welcomed 250 exhibitors from 40 countries presenting a broad range of products from sex toys and apparel to DVDs and other innovations. ...
Charlotte Stokely is tub-thumping her featured role in “The Motorbunny Club, Episode 5” for Adam & Eve Pictures....
A federal judge has signed off on the $1.5 million settlement of a collective action lawsuit between a South Carolina gentlemen’s club and a group of nearly 30 dancers....