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Karla Lane is a 'Big Mama' for

BBW star Karla Lane is a “Big Mama” for imprint Mommy Blows Best, now in digital release. (...)

Source: | 2019-04-25Read all


FSC Issues Industry Alert About Forged Test Scam

The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has just issued an industry alert about a person who has repeatedly tried to work on adult sets using a forged test....

Jillian Janson to Feature in Jacksonville, NC This Weekend

Jillian Janson is headed to Jacksonville, North Carolina this weekend for a headlining gig at Tobie's Lounge. ...

Jasmine Grey, Sharon Lee Offer Fans a Little 'Horny Asian Hospitality', the trending erotic Asian-centric site from Team Skeet parent Paper Street, has released a new fauxcest fantasy scene with adult stars Jasmine Grey and Sharon Lee....

Rock On Expands Line of Gendered Sexual Supplements

Rock'n Products has rollout out two new products in its Rock On line of sexual enhancers....

Bartholet Appearing at Exxxotica Portland, Filming New Releases

Award-winning performer and radio host of "Inside The Industry," James Bartholet is slated to appear at the upcoming Exxxotica Portland June 7-9....

Researchers Break New Ground on Genital-Chlamydia Vaccine

Researchers from Imperial College London and the Statens Serum Institut (SSI) in Denmark have announced a breakthrough in a new genital-chlamydia vaccine. ...

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