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Zelda Morrison Reveals All in 'Taboo Diaries 17' for Desperate Pleasures

Zelda Morrison enjoys the cover spotlight of fauxcest-themed “Taboo Diaries 17” from Desperate Pleasures. (...)

Source: | 2019-05-06Read all


Influencer Matthew Camp Inks Exclusive Pact With is trumpeting an exclusive performance pact with social media influencer, entrepreneur and clip artist sensation Matthew Camp....

Dillion Harper Celebrates Dual Pornhub Award Nominations

Dillion Harper is touting her two Pornhub Awards nominations for Best Twitter and Nicest Tits....

Jessica Drake Set to Feature at New York's Sapphire 39 Next Week

Jessica Drake is set to take the stage at New York’s Sapphire 39 next Thursday for an exclusive feature dance appearance....

Bedroom Products Now Shipping Expanded Collection

Bedroom Products is now shipping their new collection, which includes the Bind satin restraint kit, Ease anal relaxation formula, Clean pH-balanced intimate wipes and Stroke tapered masturbation sleeve, to retailers this week. ...

Pineapple Support to Host Therapy Sessions at XBIZ Berlin

Pineapple Support will offer therapy sessions throughout XBIZ Berlin 2019, in addition to hosting a roundtable workshop....

Local News, State Legislatures, Churches Bombarded With Anti-Porn Propaganda Blitz

An Alabama op-ed by an obscure graduate student, a piece of legislation quietly introduced in Oklahoma and a clickbaity tech news item peddled by a small Michigan startup. These might seem unrelated items to an uninformed observers but they are all part of a propaganda blitz currently being unleashed by War on Porn crusaders during this electoral year....

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